oaks discovers her true purpose in life - to be the quintessential auntie

gen and gims

ace, the chick magnet, shows off age is just a number...

ah huat and his five beauties:)

helena n cynthia

left pacers:)

chiongsters of mambo

cynthia n sheena

cynthia und shanice

the luckiest and best coach in hte world, to us anyway - quah chong meng wilson

singapore's arsene wenger

gen shows off why she's not one to be missed with... though weishun doesn't seem to notice

weishun demonstrates why he's such a hunk:)

wilson and his most loyal (and oldest, though prettiest, sexiest, wittiest..etc..) rowers

ah he and his most loyal rowers...

what years of dragon boat did to them...

doesn't ryan look like he was supposed to be included in hte photo?:)

winsten, robert and gims

gims shows off his latest trip to the dentist...

njc boys of 1999

gen und shanice

one penguin and one carrot

potential bk waitress

happy people

left rowers unite!

gims thinks he looks macho (the world would say otherwise... justly so:P)

teacher and sheena poh

donkey and gingerbread man:P

three hunks from ngee ann

gims tries to get in touch with his feminine side